Hello dear readers. Manifestation of fungi is quite common, bringing considerable embarrassment to carriers. The problem must be solved. And how to do it - now you will find out. Let's see how to treat foot fungus at home with folk remedies. Remember, it is better to prevent foot fungus than to treat it later. You should not self-diagnose and self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of foot fungus.
Foot fungus - what is it
Foot fungus is an infectious fungal lesion that localizes to the skin (mycosis) and nails (onychomycosis) and then spreads to other parts of the body and involves many varieties. Pathogens that affect the cover are divided into the following types: yeast, mold and dermatophytes.
It is quite simple to become infected with foot fungus: it is enough to come in contact with a surface inhabited by pathogenic fungi.

Especially they reside in the inter-digital space. These can be floors in public places, another person's shoes, personal hygiene items and infection through pedicure tools untreated during the procedure is also possible.
An important problem is not only the ease of infection, but also the extraordinary rate of reproduction of microorganisms.
There are also factors that increase the risk of disease:
- continuous wearing of closed shoes, which is more typical for men;
- an environment with a favorable temperature for fungal survival and a high level of humidity;
- violation of blood circulation in the lower limbs;
- weakened function of the immune system, which does not allow the body to defend itself;
- regular visits to public places without hygienic precautions;
- in the high-risk group - people with thin skin;
- increased sweating, which promotes fungal reproduction;
- hereditary predisposition;
- advanced age of potential carrier;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system, venous insufficiency;
- diabetes;
- flat feet;
- uncontrolled taking of drugs;
- overweight;
- avitaminosis.
The initial symptom of a fungal infection is the formation of epidermal scales on the feet, through which further infection occurs, as well as severe itching. Other symptoms and their severity depend on the type of fungal pathogen and the degree of damage to the epidermis and its derivatives.
Trichophyton interdigital
With this type of lesion, peeling is often accompanied by the formation of fluid, an inflammatory process is present.
The fungus spreads to the entire surface of the foot, including the foot, sides, arch, and toes, but it is also possible for allergic skin reactions to develop on the trunk, face, upper, and lower extremities. Damage to the nail plate area is occasionally noticed.
Candida fungus
In a fungus-related disease of the genus Candida, the skin is hyperemic (overflowing with blood) and edematous, the area of infection is surrounded by exfoliated skin. Vesicles with serous and purulent contents are formed in the peripheral region.
Red trichophyton
The pathology is manifested by infection of the interdigital folds, while the first thing that fungi multiply in the narrowest interdigital folds.

Unlike previous types of fungal microorganisms, it causes multiple damage to the nails.
The danger is also expressed by the fact that the fungus can multiply in large folds of skin (inguinal, gluteal, etc. ).
However, the symptomatology depends not only on the type but also on the clinical form of the pathology, of which there are several!
Deleted form
Manifestations: light skin between the fingers, the cracks are small and do not cause discomfort.
squamous form
Manifestations: peeling also extends to the lateral surface of the feet, accompanied by itching, due to the thickening of the corneal layer of the foot wrap, ostensibly ostensibly noticeable.
Hyperkeratotic form
Manifestations: the formation of rashes in the form of papules and dry plaques, there is a moderate itching, a white tinge of scaly layers.
Intermediate forms
Manifestations: after redness and swelling develops maceration, burning and itching, a clear severity of diaper rash.
Dyshidrotic form
Manifestations: the formation of many blisters with traced membranes, hyperemia and edema develop, reminiscent of acute eczema.
To avoid infection with a fungal parasite, it is necessary to take preventive measures that will help you protect yourself.
- Keep your feet moderately dry and cool to prevent the growth of microorganisms.
- It is recommended to wash the feet several times a day with warm water, always with soap and after washing wipe the feet all over the surface paying special attention to the space between the toes.
- In public places, you should use a personal shoe changer and at least sometimes go home barefoot so that the skin can breathe.
- To wear, use extremely comfortable shoes, easily airy and practical, preferably made of natural materials.
- It is also necessary to change socks and stockings as often as possible if there is a problem with excessive sweating.
- The presence of bad habits and irrational nutrition significantly reduces the immune resistance to different types of lesions, therefore, bad habits should be eliminated and nutrition should be improved.
How to treat foot fungus with folk remedies
There are many popular tools to fight foot fungal infections.
Baking soda
Baking soda-based antifungal agent. To prepare it, you will need to make a 1: 1 mixture like baking soda porridge and water, which should then be applied to the affected areas for 15 minutes. After using baking soda, it is recommended to wash the skin and use the powder.

Garlic is an effective remedy even in a late stage of the disease. You can rub the halves with garlic cloves or use a mixture of butter and garlic.
Baths based on strong natural coffee are used only before bedtime. They soften the skin and make it softer.
It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of any kind of vinegar in this situation: the usual 9%, wine or apple. Prepare a solution in a 1: 8 ratio, but before dipping your feet into it, they should be steamed and the nails cleaned.

It is recommended to perform the procedure 5-7 times a day for a faster cure of the disease. You can also spread the egg in a glass of vinegar and after mixing it with a teaspoon of butter, apply it as an ointment on the affected areas.
Celandine-based tinctures are also important in use both in the form of baths and in the form of compresses and oils.
You can lubricate damaged feet with tincture of medicinal calendula flowers. In this case, the infusion should dry itself, should not be wiped.
How to treat foot fungus - medicines and medicines
Remember that all medications should be taken only after consulting a doctor, and also only after the doctor makes a diagnosis that will confirm the presence of fungus on the feet.
How to treat foot fungus in a baby and during pregnancy
With fungal lesions of the feet in children, the appearance of blisters is noticed, which then turn into erosion and appear initially in the interdigital folds. Listen to the child: he may begin to complain of burning and discomfort.
If you turn to folk remedies, then a decoction of wormwood, salt baths, infusion of lilac, compresses of rowan leaves will help.
During pregnancy, many medications are banned, but there is still a list of those that will help a woman in position, sulfur-salicylic-tar oil.
However, this does not mean that these drugs can be used for sure, as allergic reactions are possible. This should only be done after a doctor's recommendation.